Marnes, architecture documents
The School publishes a journal aimed at building up and sharing intellectual resources in the field of architecture, urban planning and landscaping. It mainly concerns reissues/translations of unpublished or inaccessible texts, with extensive editorial work presenting
both their original context and their contemporary relevance. Marnes lies between an in-depth journal and a reference collection or anthology, while providing an intermediary and independent dimension about teaching and research activities at the school.
Direction éditoriale
Sébastien Marot, Éric Alonzo
Coordination éditoriale
Paul Bouet
Comité de rédaction
Éric Alonzo, Luc Baboulet, Paul Bouet, Stéphane Füzesséry, Laurent Koetz, Paul Landauer, Loïse Lenne, Sébastien Marot, Antoine Picon, Jean Taricat
Volume 1 : sommaire - éditorial
Volume 2 : sommaire - éditorial
Volume 3 : sommaire - éditorial
En vente à l'École (agence comptable) et en librairie au prix public de 20 euros.
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Ce deuxième volume de marnes contient les premières traductions françaises de « Singapour Songlines » de Rem Koolhaas l'article le plus volumineux de l’ouvrage S, M, L, XL, les essais de Fumihiko Maki de 1964 sur les « formes collectives », ainsi qu’un texte inédit de Le Corbusier sur l’usage de la pierre en architecture (1937).
The periodical publication we are inaugurating with this issue is intended to be a tool for all those who study or teach architecture in our language, and for all those who, whether amateurs or professionals, travel the territories of architecture today.
![<p>© Building Paris, photo Julien Lelièvre</p>](